Trieste, castles and surroundings

Trieste, castles and surroundings

by davide

Trieste, the multi-ethnic city par excellence, can be reached from Caorle by car in just an hour and a half. It is located a few kilometres from the Slovenian border and is rich in monuments, art nouveau buildings and cafes. Piazza Unità, the largest square in Europe overlooking the sea, is usually the starting point for the city tour. The other symbol of the city extends a few steps from Piazza Unità: the Molo Audace, 246 meters of walkway that offers an enchanting panoramic view of the city.

The Castle of Miramare, only 8 kilometres from the city centre, is certainly worth a visit: overlooking the Gulf of Trieste and surrounded by gardens it was the residence of the Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Habsburg and his wife Charlotte of Belgium. For castle lovers we also point out another fortress in the province of Trieste, the Castle of Duino, open to the public since 2003.

If you want to experience the thrill of going down to the heart of the earth and visiting one of the most famous and beautiful caves of Italy, the Grotta Gigante is located only 10 kilometres from Trieste: after going down about 500 steps, you are a hundred meters deep with respect to the starting point, surrounded by stalactites and stalagmites. Another beautiful speleological experience can be lived at the Postojna Cave, in Slovenia, less than a two-hour drive from Caorle where an underground train will let you discover a world of limestone sculptures and mysterious animals.

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